Kalta sasmalcināta oglekļa šķiedras loksnes plāksne
Īsa detaļa
Augsti Glossy
Daļēji matēts
Plānākais: 0,2 mm
Biezākais: 30 mm
Parastais: 400*500mm
Cits izmērs: 200*300mm
500 * 600 mm vai pielāgots
Produkta apraksts:
Izvēloties Toray vai Tairyfil oglekļa šķiedras materiālu no Japānas vai Taivānas.
Katrs oglekļa šķiedras finieris ir izgatavots ar vienu augstas stiprības 100% oglekļa šķiedras prepreg slāni ar 0/90 šķiedras orientāciju.
45 grādi ir pieejami, pamatojoties uz jūsu vajadzībām.
Īpaša tehnoloģija nodrošina nevainojamu spīdumu abās pusēs.
Maksimālais izmērs ir 1000 * 1500 mm, biezums līdz 15 mm.
Piedāvājiet CNC griešanas pakalpojumu, pamatojoties uz jūsu zīmējumu, parakstiet NDA līgumu, lai saglabātu sava dizaina noslēpumu .
Piezīme: Biezuma pielaide būs nedaudz lielāka
Forged carbon fiber plates
are a relatively new type of composite material that is becoming increasingly popular due to its unique properties.
Here are some potential applications of forged carbon fiber plates:
Knife Blades: Forged carbon fiber is an ideal material for knife blades due to its high strength and durability. The material is lightweight and has excellent resistance to wear and tear, making it perfect for use in high-performance knives.
Watch Cases: Forged carbon fiber is also being used to create high-end watch cases. The material's unique patterns and colors make it a popular choice for luxury watches, and its lightweight and durable properties make it perfect for sports watches.
Automotive Components: Forged carbon fiber plates are ideal for use in automotive components like body panels, interior trim pieces, and wheels. The material is lightweight and strong, which can help reduce the overall weight of the vehicle while maintaining strength and durability.
Aerospace Components: Forged carbon fiber plates are being used in the aerospace industry for applications like structural components and interior parts. The material's high strength and stiffness make it perfect for use in aircraft, and its lightweight properties can help reduce fuel consumption.